Entropy and Time: Our Naive Fight

Entropy and Time: Our Naive Fight

Our human race believes that we bring order to a world. An order, a so-called force, that brings structure to an existence that is wholely disorganised in its very nature.

Humans as such are said to be fighting against nature, combatting the frantic, setting nature right, making the world straight.

In this skirmish, that has not yet come to an end, the human race continues to wield its sword that has long since rusted, with wrinkles on its face deep with age and a goat-like dim witted stare on its face. Mother nature, in opposition, has firmly sat down on a lunchbreak, partaking in some scones with strawberry jam and eager for a Pimm’s Cup to wash them down as a treat.

Little does the human race know that the battle is rigged, a Ponzi Scheme tried and true. There are no grandstands filled with audiences cheering. Nor any appreciation or pride to be taken or gained from its skirmish. Loss, only continued loss, by the hand of entropy will result.

Entropy, like the laws of gravity and time, will prevail as it always has. Prevailing in the battle we wage that was never really a battle to begin with. A battle we wage against miconception.

As a thought experiment: if the laws of entropy and time could be conceptualised as a foe, us humans, the self-proclaimed Awakened Ape, would be screaming profanities to our foe. “Let’s rile this foe up as much as we can” the human race would strategise, while on its knees unable to get up and take stance, from the kneel that its forced to take under it’s own sheer size and weight. Our foe, the laws of entropy and time would pity human kind for its naivety, for its unjust and pitiful reasoning and sheer blindness. “How grandiose those humans think they are, why how little they know, how little they actually do have in their control.”

The order that the human race believes is worth fighting for is the antisthesis of the order that entropy produces, as entropy advertantly breaks down the chaos that humans have brought on this world one breath, wrinkle and lunchbreak at a time.

There is no fight.

A Treatise on Expectation

A Treatise on Expectation

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 99. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, understanding the problems and dangers of expectations would be it. The importance of this advice has been debated for centuries by philosophers, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.

There is no piece of advice I can offer that can have a greater impact upon your life. Not a moment will go by in your life that this advice will not be useful. The rule is simple, but all encompassing. It can serve you well as far as you’re willing to take heed upon it. Your choice to do so, or not may change your life completely, I would promise for the better, but in doing so I may lead you to the dark waters this meagre lighthouse guides to steer clear of.

Many will tell you that something cannot come from nothing, that there must be something to bring another thing into being. But this is at least only half true, for creation can only come from space, by space I mean a place where there is emptiness, a place with opportunity, with possibility, a place where form does not yet exist. Too often we are unable to find these empty spaces, we’re too busy filling every space we can find with our expectations. For it to be what we want, what we don’t want, what we bring with negative emotion, or even positive emotion. We give ourselves no opportunities to create, we have already filled the voids, packed in our insecurities, hopes, dreams, disappointments, jealousies and resentments. We cut ourselves off from being able to discover, to explore, with wonderment, with a child like innocence.

It is true that time changes all, as we age we become weathered with the experiences that form our perceptions. It’s not easy to let go of such things and truly look upon something with new eyes. Our expectations always reset to a default level, of money, love, joy and everything else you can conjure. It is malaise which drowns us into dissatisfaction, regret and indifference. This is why most lotto winners are worse off than prior to winning within 3 years. It’s a common story and one that merely requires a new philosophical outlook to avoid.

Step by step we all forge a path, a road we travel down with each decision past. We only know what has been and not what is to come. In many ways that creates a bias within us. A presupposition about the life we lead, the world in which we live. If we could also see forward, our path behind would take on a very different meaning.

If one could see forward, the past would no longer be a cause, but merely the past. Each moment would be a treasure of existence, for where we are now is not to be blamed upon where we have come, but our position in a path the has a clear end. Each moment from then is not an arm wresting or strife, but a moment of which we must savour for we see the limitation of our moments. We see the limitation of the path.

No matter how many times I look back, I find over and over again the lessons I learn come back to the simple lesson of expectation. Knowing ones own future would eliminate the expectation, but who would wish this upon themselves. Knowing is a curse as much as a blessing, knowing is where our expectations are birthed into the world, where they fester within our minds, corrupting the future. Bringing us a reason for disappointment; for resentment.

Man discovered early on they could bargain with the future, this is the story of Cain and Abel. Those who sacrifice correctly to the future are rewarded; those who bare witness to the moment in reverence for that deed are doomed to experience a future with no blessing. The expectation of this gambling the crux in which many of us suffer, and suffer greatly. For the future is not for our toiled minds to control, but to fear and treat with great consternation. It is this that we battle, the future, that which is beyond the only thing we truly live within; the present.

The present tells us who we are and what we are, outside of this lies expectation. To form a life of reward isn’t about filling the past or the future with all the things we desire, it is there for us to keep heed to a path. To enjoy the journey, appreciate the step before that was sure and the possibility of the next offering us something unexpected. The unexpected comes from a void, a place where nothing exists. Step forth with hope, not expectation and you might find something treasured.

The Love Checklist

The Love Checklist

It seems more and more apparent what the modern social experiment of App Dating has become as this social experiment in humanities match making apparatus. The abundance of choice that is nothing but a deep abyss, to gaze upon its depth ensures ones destiny to never reach it. Just as the users of Tinder/Bumble focus on getting everything they desire, they sow the seeds of their own failure and inevitably fail to find anything that will match their expectations.

A wise man once said, “Expectations are the destroyer of creation”. These words ring true time and time again, especially here, in the modern pursuit of love.

The average person joins a dating app with a list of desires for their perspective spouse, a litany of do’s and don’ts which they check off with the veracity of a financial auditor. The conversation begins with essentially the same list of basic questions, 1 through to 5. Fail to meet any of these and you’ll never hear question 6. The full checklist is thrown at strangers, squashing matches like bugs, the weight of this expectation smashing any glimmer of promise, of hope, of possibility. The expectations rain down with fire and brimstone, burning away the seedlings of creation before any can take root. 

And with that they’re disappointed, yet another fails to live up to their expectations, another who fails to live up to what they perceive as their dues, their bare minimum for satiety. Yet again they fail to find love, with general bewilderment, love is not found.

We all have expectations, we all have desires, dreams, and hopes. We all wish to fulfil what we aimed for when we took that first step, idealistic and credulous. Something happens when we face the reality that is each individual match, we somehow lose sight of the far shore, we forget to plant the seeds of growth. We expect to receive a fully grown tree that will fit perfectly in our own garden.But to find love we must be willing to plant new seeds and nurture them or we destroy the creation of love with our expectations.

A 27km New Zealand Bike Ride

A 27km New Zealand Bike Ride

Biking from Twizel, Mackenzie Country, New Zealand. The air is so crisp that you say your teeth are somewhat sensitive. Your fingers like little salami sticks pulled out of the freezer. The tips of the thumbs for some reason, more numb than the rest.

Cold, but damn we’re alive!

Keep your eyes on the track. Make sure you don’t end up in the tussock grasses. Look up over there at those snow-topped mountains, but not for too long otherwise you’ll end up with grazed knees! We dont want to get the first aid kit out of the bag now do we?

Keep smiling. The legs are throbbing after that incline you just peddled up. Nearly at Lake Pukaki now.

You haven’t seen the lake nor the Alps for more that ten years. How does it look? How does it compare with how you remembered it? You smile again, the genuine kind of smile. “Amazing, its overwhelming” are the words you use.

By golly, working hard and biking up here made it that much more rewarding!




Her Cashmere Coat

Her Cashmere Coat

It stuck to her, to her form, in all the ways you wouldn’t expect a cashmere coat doing so. Following the lines that would not usually be followed. Along the shoulder blades and covering the collarbones, the top button fixing tight to her chin.

She looked at me impishly, with the chilled wind blowing through the strands of her fringe. With a posture slightly cowered forward as if she were cuddling a hot water bottle onto her belly while standing.

Turning and leaving footprints in the snow, she left little size seven boot marks.

That was the first memory I have of her, of the one that means the most.

The innocent

The innocent

Innocence is something we never discuss, as a society, as a nation, as families, or even as individuals. We don’t say to others how important it can be. Maybe because we lose it so soon, never understanding what we have lost or what we have to protect with our youth. Our modern world doesn’t have any room to allow our innocence. It must be stolen in sacrifice for acceptance. Given to others, feed for their modern sensibilities, their depravity; their guilt.

Youth is essentially promise, opportunity, time and of course innocence. Vampires lurk to steal all of it, suck it away and consume it like a snack, never satisfied, they crave forever more.

Devils of desire, mindless beings of passion.

Purity they can never recover, for others they seek whatever they can. The youth are the innocent, the pure. Merely fodder to the mindless, the passions, the zombies; the slaves.

Ostracise Sméagol, for he is single minded in his pursuit. What he holds precious is single and circular. Never ending and consuming. The ring is lost and he will enter the darkest of caves forever, in the hope of just another glimpse.

Fear & loathing

Fear & loathing

Distance is a barrier for love, and hate, merely preference divides the two. The desire of one equal only to the repulsion of the other.

Weight, given or offered; the value we install in another. Earned or given by title; a betrayal is equal in depth to that given in weight.

We fear what the other can do to us. The unknown quantity; the limitless of imagination, possibility of power, ability, menace and means. This other has little.

The Apple offered man a means, but to what ends. When a man knows vulnerability, he knows weakness, then he knows fear.

What will the other do. Little; for he knows you not. But thy brother; he knows you well.

Expectation is a certain kind of death, what it lacks is life, possibilities and opportunities. But some kinds are beyond this, but not beyond good, nor evil. A title is given, maybe not by choice, but a title is responsibility.

Where does fear become loathing. I fear not the other, should I fear thy brother.

The closest dagger digs the deepest.

The Logos of the Humble Penis

The Logos of the Humble Penis


  1. all the animals, plants, rocks, etc. in the world and all the features, forces, and processes that happen or exist independently of people, such as the weather, the sea, mountains, the production of young animals or plants, and growth.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,:

Ephesians 2:8


  1. approval or kindness, especially that is freely given by God to all humans

To be man, to be human, is to be burdened. We are burdened with the Grace that which is given upon us. To be human is to stand above all else within our realm.


  1. a man, woman, or child.
  1. of or typical of people.

To be human is to stand above all else within our realm.

“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Genesis 1:28

To be less than human is to be an animal.


  1. something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect.
  1. an unpleasant, cruel person or someone who behaves badly.

To be human is to follow and acknowledge logos. The law and order of the universe, the order of creation, and finally, God.


  1. the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world and often identified with the second person of the Trinity
  2. reason that in ancient Greek philosophy is the controlling principle in the universe

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed to be portrayed with a large penis was a sign of a lack of rational control, to be of weak of mind, ruled by passions and animalistic.

I present to you, the logos of the humble penis.


Genetic docility

Genetic docility

Modernity is an era of unexamined lives where rarely is the question of, “is it good?”, considered outside the context of, “me right now”. While many debate the causes of this, of which I believe there are many, I believe it more pertinent to start examining our lives in modernity. We must work out what is good, beyond the now. We have a duty to ourselves of next week, next year and in particular, our future generations. This leaves us with a wide open topic that could span multiple essays, but I want to talk about something specific.

Are you dangerous.

This might seem like a inane question, but it’s only within this modern context that it appears to be. Much of human history the answer to this question, mostly for men, had dramatic impacts on what you could expect for life. It is true today that a man need not be dangerous to secure the resources to attract a mate and further his genetic line. But does this mean it has been left behind, a relic of less evolved man. A question that today seems more relevant than ever.

Masculinity is at odds with our modern egalitarian world. We’re in a position of the societal cycle where decadence has brought about conditions to perfectly cultivate anti-masculine, anti-hierarchy ideologies. The war to ensure your docility began many years ago.

Pornography, marijuana, fear and guilt are the main weapons of choice to provide the morphine drip that keeps you under control.

You’re currently being bred to be a harmless indoor cat, a pug dog of sorts. Bred purely for traits the original species could never of survived with. Keeping you docile is the first step, after all, a pug makes a better pet than a wolf. But no one wants to be a pug.

Break free! Quit pornography, marijuana, Netflix, processed carbohydrates and mainstream news. Be dangerous, then tame that power. It’s your only hope to break free from your slavery.